

The Schaefer Group Inc

Frank W. Schaefer, Inc (FWS) started business as a refractory contractor in 1930, and began designing and manufacturing industrial furnaces in 1945. In the early 1970's FWS's aluminum furnace business grew to the place that it became necessary to form two divisions within the company: A Refractory Sales and Service Division and an Industrial Furnace Division. In 1998 the Industrial Furnace Division was separated from FWS, Inc to form a new company, Schaefer Furnaces, Inc (SFI). A combining of these two related companies took place in late 2002, forming The Schaefer Group, Inc. Twostrong traditions are recombined with the FWS Division providing exceptional refractory sales and service work, and the SFI Division providing the best aluminum furnaces and molten metal delivery syste…

The Schaefer Group Inc

Country: USA
Address: 1500 Humphrey Avenue Dayton-OH
Postal Code: 45410
Website: http://www.theschaefergroup.com

The Schaefer Group Inc

Address: 1500 Humphrey Avenue Dayton-OH Postal Code: 45410 Website: http://www.theschaefergroup.com

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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